Perspectives on Time

Episode 39:

In their first VIDEO podcast episode, Chris and Jerry take on the complexities of time by postponing expectations, delving into how pain affects our perception of time, and rafting (even anti-rafting) across the waves of moments that make up experience.

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2 thoughts on “Perspectives on Time

  1. I just discovered your show (through my late-night scourings of the interweb) and can I just say – this has got to be the most soothing podcast I have ever listened to. And watched. Your voices carry warmth and emotion, while being as calming as if you were reading me bedtime stories. Thank you for this contribution to the industry!

    On the content itself, I found the idea different time perspectives FASCINATING. +50 points for relating it to the Enneagrams and teenage breakups. I think it’s such a helpful framing for decision-making because it allows us to then do the self-talk in a way that best sets us up for success.

    So for example, I relate to Jerry, in that I’m a very forward-looking person. I think, “Okay, I want things to look like this, hence I’m gonna do them like that”.

    I recently realised that since I operate on that system, speaking logic to my brain using any other time orientation would just. not. work. To illustrate what I mean: I have proven to myself time and time again that I can’t start my day by reading fiction. I will never stop at the one chapter I’ve rationed and will read until I haven’t the willingness to get on with my routines. You’d think telling myself, “Hey, we’ve been here before”, would do me good.

    Alas, it doesn’t.

    But now I wonder. Should I try focusing on future-oriented thought patterns? Perhaps doubling down on visualising a world where I don’t start my day with reading fiction. Maybe telling myself, “Think about how great it will feel to cozy up with [characters] as you lie under your fairy lights tonight”. Hum. Food for thought indeed.

    I think the video format is so fun, and I loved understanding your points even better with the hand gestures. RAFT is amazing; I shall now ponder how to apply it transitioning out of wake-up fiction. Super great episode – happy to have joined!


    1. Thanks so much for your thoughts, comments, and encouragement! We’re so glad to hear the video format adds something as well! Also, I just have to say, there’s something about the phrase, “transitioning out of wake-up fiction” that I love! That, in and of itself, could be encouragement to people to start the day realistically (and perhaps that does entail waiting until evening for fun fiction reading). Genuinely, thanks for sharing – it made my day!


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